One-of-a-kind medical student elective celebrates its 20th anniversary
IM in the Kitchen: Sweet Potato Pancakes
Thanksgiving 2020: Time to take a moment to be grateful for all the blessings in our lives as well as having the courage to be present to all the challenges. As we savor the sweetness in our lives, the sweet potato comes to mind.
The sweet potato is actually not related to tuber potatoes at all; it is a part of the morning glory plant family and considered to be a root vegetable. For thousands of years, sweet potato (camote) has been cultivated in Peru and remains a revered food staple. Sweet potato contains carotenoids and other bioactive nutrients that have powerful anti-oxidant, anti-aging, and anti-inflammatory effects [1, 2]. If you have any left over baked sweet potatoes from your Thanksgiving meal, remove the skin and puree in a food processor. Use the puree to make delicious sweet potato pancakes. These pancakes are super high in fiber, so be prepared for the added benefit of bowel health! I discovered awhile ago that coating the frying pan or griddle with ghee, instead of butter reduces burning. I also discovered not to over-mix the wet and dry ingredients together because it will cause too much gluten formation, leading to tough, rubbery discs. Of course, the pan or griddle has to be properly heated before pouring the batter. These pancakes have a thick texture and are easily refrigerated for reheating during the week.
Happy International Integrative Health Day ! Let's dive into a high-level solution for transforming healthcare by building our practices around population health and value-based care.
Which supplements help with nerve pain? The second part of this article series will discuss which supplements are favored by scientific evidence for relieving neuropathy symptoms from diabetes (diabetic neuropathy).